The Archive is a catalog of downloadable historical documents and a repository of educator resources, and is intended to serve educators, students and the general public. The LA History Archive (Archive) is made possible through generous support provided by the Annenberg Foundation and the Candelaria Fund and is sponsored by The Studio for Southern California History, a nonprofit organization.
The LA History Archive is composed of timelines, profiles of prominent Southern Californians across time and related historical information appropriate for the classroom created as programming elements for the Studio for Southern California History.
Access to the LA History Archive (LAHA) is provided at no cost to you and is intended to serve educators, students, and the general public. By accessing the LAHA, you certify that your use will be noncommercial in nature and limited to purposes not infringing on Fair Use provisions under copyright law and other intellectual property statutes. No part of the material found in the LAHA may be reproduced for commercial purposes, embedded or reproduced in any online environment, or mirrored from another server without the express written permission of the Studio for Southern California History, a nonprofit organization. This terms of use agreement governs your use of the collection of content available through the LAHA. By accessing the LAHA’s collection, you acknowledge your acceptance of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not access or use the content in the LAHA.
Materials on this site are used in accordance with Fair Use provisions for copyrighted materials with permissions from specific copyright holders. The LA History Archive is being created through the generous contribution and collaboration of community members and the sponsorship of the Studio for Southern California History. In order to protect the copyright holders, and not punish their generosity, the following agreement needs to be read and understood by every user of the archive. Our collection and dissemination efforts are careful to abide by and respect the rights of copyright holders and the provisions of Fair Use of copyrighted materials.
By entering the LAHA, you expressly certify that you will abide by the above conditions and all other applicable laws and regulations in connection with your use of the LAHA.
We encourage the use of the LA History Archive however you must follow the terms governing the use of materials in the LAHA:
Past Board Members: José Alamillo, Laura Barraclough, Adam Bush, Bob Drwila, Catherine Gudis, Marc Haefele, Michelle Hawley, Hillary Jenks, Dona Lawrie, Alexis Moreno, John and Lizzie Murray, Chamara Russo, and Linda Vallejo.
Thank you for the educators who partnered with us: Jackie Broxton and the Biddy Mason Educational Foundation; Jenny Cree Swan and Teaching American History; Kevin Cabrera of the Heritage Museum of Orange County; Gilbert Moy of the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California; Michael Amescua, Tomás Benitez, and Ofelia Esparza of Self Help Graphics; Julie Mairs of Soroptimist International Los Angeles; Michelle Caswell and Samip Mallick of the South Asian American Digital Archive; Phyllis Esslinger, Diane Hara, Joyce Jacob, Barbara Jury, and Joyce Johnson of the Western Conservancy of Nursing History; Sonny Abegaze of Southern California Grantmakers; Asuka Hisa of the Institute for Contemporary Art in Los Angeles; Curtis Dison, Sue Felt and Pat Mazzulli of the Fontana Teachers Association; Mary Gallagher and Daren Lynne of Los Angeles Trade-Technical College; Melissa Richards of Bloomfest; Jenny Price of the Urban Rangers; Dace Taub of the University of Southern California’s Special Collections; Sissy Trinh of the South East Asian Community Alliance; George Yu of the Best Western Dragon’s Gate Inn; and many, many others.
Special gratitude to Educator and Research Partner Ariella Horwitz for shepherding the LA History Archive with Founder Sharon Sekhon over the last several years. Dr. Horwitz's support has been invaluable and much appreciated.
Thank you to the team of developers at HighPower Data Solutions for bringing our vision to life in this site.